Water Analysis for Toxics
Since 1980, American Analytics has been a leader in water testing. We regularly test groundwater, wastewater, drinking water and influent/effluent samples. Common analyses include: pesticides, toxic organics, heavy metals, lead, chromium, pH, dissolved solids, dissolved gases, hydrocarbons, turbidity, and many other contaminants.
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Detailed Analytes List
Drinking Water Analyses
pH Measurement |
EPA 150.1 |
Hardness |
SM 2340 B,C |
Alkalinity |
SM 2320 B |
Residue, Filterable (TDS) |
SM 2540C |
Cyanide, Total |
SM 4500 -CN E |
General Mineral Group |
Various |
Turbidity |
SM 2130 B |
Hexavalent chromium Cr6+ |
EPA 218.6 |
Conductivity |
SM 2510B |
Anions by IC
Bromide, Chloride, Fluoride,
Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Sulfate |
EPA 300.0 |
Perchlorate, IC |
EPA 314.0 |
Regulated and unregulated Trace Metals,
EPA 200.7/200.8 |
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
123-TCP by GCMS-SIM low levels |
SRL-524M-TCP |
Trihalomethanes (THMs) |
EPA 524.2 |
VOCs – Regulated and Unregulated compounds |
EPA 524.2 |
Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds
1,4-Dioxane (isotopic dilution) |
EPA 8270M |
Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) |
EPA 1613B* |
NDMA and other Nitrosamines (isotopic dilution) |
EPA 1625M* |
Pesticides |
Disinfectants & Disinfection By-Products (D/DBPs)
Bromate, Bromide, Chlorate, Chlorite |
EPA 300.1* |
Carbon, Dissolved Organic (DOC) |
SM 5310B |
Carbon, Total Organic (TOC) |
SM 5310B |
Chlorine, Residual |
SM 4500 Cl G |
Trihalomethanes (THMs) |
EPA 524.2 |
Wastewater Analyses
pH Measurement |
SM 4500-H+B |
Alkalinity |
SM 2320 B |
Chlorine Total Residual |
SM 4500-Cl G |
Turbidity |
EPA 180.1 |
Biochemical Oxygen |
SM5210B |
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) |
EPA 410.4 |
Anions by IC
Bromide, Chloride, Fluoride,
Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Sulfate |
EPA 300.0 |
Cyanide, Amenable to Chlorination |
SM 4500-CN G |
Cyanide, Total |
SM 4500-CN B,E |
Hardness |
SM 2340 C |
Dissolved Oxygen |
SM4500 O-G |
Hexavalent chromium (Cr6) |
EPA 218.6 |
Conductivity |
SM 2510 B |
Mercury by Cold Vapor AA |
EPA 245.1 / 7470 / 7471 |
Metals by ICP-ES or ICP-MS |
EPA 200.7 / 200.8 |
Nitrogen, Ammonia |
SM4500-NH3 B,E |
Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl (TKN) |
EPA 351.2* |
Oil and Grease, Gravimetric |
EPA 1664 |
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) |
ASTM D1498-76 |
Phenolics (colorimetric) |
EPA 420.1 / 9065* |
Phosphorus, Total |
EPA 365.3* |
Solids, Settleable (SS) |
SM 2540F |
Solids, Total (TS) |
SM 2540B |
Solids, Total Dissolved (TDS) |
SM 2540C |
Solids, Total Suspended (TSS) |
SM 2540D |
Organic Carbon-Total (TOC) |
SM 5310B |
Sulfide, Soluble (S=) |
SM 4500-S2-D |
Surfactants, Non-Ionic, Cobalt Thiocaynate Active Substances (CTAS) |
SM5540C* |
Purgeable Aromatics |
EPA 602 |
Organochlorine Pesticides & PCBs |
EPA 608 |
Pharmaceutical Industry VOCs (PMI) |
EPA 1666A* |
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PNAs) |
EPA 610 |
Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PNAs
Or PAHs) Low Level |
EPA 625 SIM |
Semivolatile Organics |
EPA 625 |
Volatile (Aromatics & Halogentated) Organics |
EPA 624 |